Friday, August 22, 2008


Wow!! What a month this has been! I've been so busy going from one place to the next. The first adventure weekend of August was youth conference. The young men and women from my ward went to St George. We toured Fort Cove, the St George Temple, stayed in way nice condo's, chilled by the pool, and hiked the narrows at Zion's National Park! It was most definately one of the best youth conferences I've ever been to. Here's some pictures...

This is all the girls who came at Cove Fort.

This is Melinda and Brooke my awesome leaders saying goodnight to myself and shannon.

1/3 group shot hiking the narrows! You literally have to walk through water sometimes as high as your waist!
left to Right
Mary,Janae(she's my leader, tiny, and pregnant!) Hannah, Rachel, Shannon (my BFF) and ME!

I stepped aside from being the leader of the group for a little bit to take pictures of us hiking!

There were so many of these random holes in the walls, so I had to take a picture!

This is Fred. He likes cherry twizzlers, and he is my friend. He actually took food from my hand. sat on my lap and followed me when we left. I miss fred.

Shannon and I bored on the guided bus ride to the trail head... He pointed out everything to us even a random bird in the sky and an insect that hit the windsheild!


Kerrie said...

It looks like you have great friends! What a fun trip!

Emily and David said...

thats sounds like a good way to end your summer. hows college life so far?